Probably almost as important as the money itself, is your mindset around it. This isn’t me telling you to worship money or become overly obsessed with it. But shifting your focus to make sure you are working within parameters that clearly align with the kind of life you want will go a long way in helping you save and redirect income streams. That’s why in this episode we’ll talk more about:
- The importance of shifting your money mindset
- Practical tips to get you started
A plan will also help you know which steps to take next; the most sustainable growth in anything is slow and steady progress. You don’t want to flip your life on its head overnight; if you do you’re more likely to quit along the way- it’ll feel too hard. Instead, if you start to gradually see what you want for your future (and your family’s) and work up to those bigger financial goals, this will ensure you’re shifting your money mindset in a more sustainable way.
Have a listen to Episode 2 of the Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast, out now to figure out the best plan of action to get your finances in order.
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Connect on IG: @greenrealestatemom
If you know you’re ready to start planning for your financial future today let’s get started!
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