Have you ever heard anyone say that your credit score isn’t all that important? Lies. If you want to invest in real estate, or even get a good rate on a car loan, you’re going to need a decent credit score. As someone who has been on the brink of bankruptcy, I know the hardships of life that can force you into desperate situations. But if you can try your hardest to get a plan and stick to it, I promise you that ultimately repairing your credit will be so worth it. In this episode I give you more:
- Strategies to build your credit
- Reasons building your credit is critical to your financial success
I know it seems like an uphill battle right now, but if you take the time to get a plan and repair your credit little by little, you’ll be in a better place before you know it.
Have a listen to Episode 5 of the Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast, out now to figure out the best plan of action to get your finances in order.
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